Sugar in the Tea: Amazing Stories about Jews and the Far East

With intolerance and hate speech on the rise, and anti-Semitism and xenophobia seemingly ubiquitous, it is ever more important to look to stories of cross-cultural understanding and unity. The Far East has long been a source of these stories, a place where Jews and Asians have lived harmoniously and where Jews have been considered the “sugar in the tea.” Read more…

Pepper, Silk & Ivory: Amazing Stories about Jews and the Far East

There is a missing page in Jewish history.  We always assume that 4,000 years of Jewish history is in the Middle East, Europe, North Africa and the Americas, not in the Far East.  Pepper, Silk & Ivory has found that missing page and tells the amazing stories of Jews who both benefited from and contributed to the Far East, now such an important part of the world politically and economically. Read more…