Article for Jewish Renaissance Magazine

Article for Jewish Renaissance Magazine  Perhaps inspired by the summer Olympics taking place in Tokyo, Jewish Renaissance Magazine focused on the Jews and Japan in their summer issue.   I and my coauthor Rabbi Marvin Tokayer were asked to write the introduction to the topic, a copy of which appears here.

Jews, Asians, and the Suez Canal

Not many people know the amazing connection among three stories recently in the news: Jews and Asians, because of the increase in hate crimes, and the Suez Canal, because of the traffic jam caused by a disabled ship blocking the canal. The Jews were the Marcus Samuel, Sr. family; the Asians were initially the Japanese; … Read more

Jewish Theological Society

Rabbi Tokayer and Dr. Rodman signed books after they spoke at the Jewish Theological Society in New York City on May 5, 2015.

Holocaust Museum, Houston, Texas

Dr. Ellen Rodman was the keynote speaker at the Awards Dinner at the Holocaust Museum in Houston, Texas, on April 30, 2015. She is pictured here with Professor Xu Xin, an expert on the Jews of Kaifeng, China, and Manli Ho, who accepted an award for her father Dr. Ho Feng Shan, who saved the lives of thousands of Jews when he was the Chinese consul in Vienna and distributed visas to them, helping them escape from the Nazis and enter Shanghai. More than 1200 people attended the dinner.

Harvard Club’s Book Fair

Ellen Rodman participated at the Harvard Club’s Book Fair in New York City on April 29, 2015.

Breaking News!

First printing of Pepper, Silk & Ivory: Amazing Stories about Jews and the Far East sold out. Second printing has arrived!